
middle-grade novel for kids ages 8-12 (and the adults who love them)
from HARPER, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers

Meet Lester. His astronaut dad died on a space mission. His grieving mom decided to homeschool him instead of sending him to school. But Lester didn’t mind. He loved their quiet, little life.

Now, Lester must enter public school for the first time as a fifth grader. It’s loud, confusing, and nothing like his school research says it’s going to be. Lester also has autism. But you don’t know this yet, and neither does he. All Lester knows is that everything is changing, and nothing—even the Superman action figure in his pocket—can make him feel any better about it…

Until he hears about the science fair.

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Coming to paperback in spring 2019!

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Classroom Resources

Mandy and her mom Debby Davis (a master teacher, who spent over four decades teaching books just like Superstar to her third and fourth graders) have come together to create a collection of discussion questions for Superstar. These questions are perfect to use in literature circles, as a whole-class book study, along with a read aloud, or even one-on-one with a single child. Superstar is a book that begs to be shared and discussed. Let these questions be your guide!